Welcome to Eastern Healing Acupuncture and Viet Ha, Acupuncturist
Eastern Healing Acupuncture brings Orleans and Ottawa East area the traditional oriental acupuncture. My goal throughout my 25+ years of practice is to assist my patients in achieving a healthy balance between their body and mind. I dedicate time and energy to identify and address with the underlying root of your health issues, and every treatment is tailored for your individual healing process. Our gentle needling method, using disposable needles, is almost painless. Give us a call to find out how we can help you return to optimal health and wellness!
Acupuncture is the most often practiced component of traditional oriental medicine. It has been used about 3,500 years ago in some Asian countries, and only in the last four decades has it become popular in the West…
Acupressure is alternative method similar in principle to acupuncture. In treatment the precise physical pressure is applied to the same specific points…
With the various applications of modern technology, electro acupuncture was developed in around 1958. …
Viet Chi Inner Exercise
Along with above treatment, we believe that practicing the proper exercise can promote the healing process of our body and prevent various illness…
Recent Articles From Our Blog
What Is Acupressure
What Is the Theory Behind Acupressure? Acupressure is just one of a number of Asian bodywork therapies (ABT) with roots in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Examples of other Asian bodywork therapies are medical qigong and [...]
What Is Acupunture
Acupuncture originates from China and has been practiced there for thousands of years. Although there are records of acupuncture being used hundreds of years ago in Europe, it was during the second half of the [...]